Yay for Awareness Week!
We are tabling ALL week in Malinckrodt from 11AM-1PM to sell shirts, sign petitions, handout resource materials, and give away free buttons and ribbons. As a sign of solidarity, we ask that everyone wear a rainbow ribbon or button throughout the week. Tell your friends about our events and please try to come out and show support. I hope to see everyone at some point this week!
Saturday, Oct. 8th @ 12:30PM: "Mom, Dad, I'm Still the Same" in Women's Building, Suite 300
Come join Pride Alliance and PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians & Gays) for a Parent's Weekend discussion and question/answer session about GLBT life on campus, being a parent of a GLBT student, and how to come out to your parents as G,L,B, or T. All members of the family are welcome!
Monday, Oct. 10th @ 7PM "Guerrilla Flyering: A Night of Noise" in Women's Building, Suite 300
Basically, we want every single bulletin board on campus to have an awareness-related flyer on it. To do this, we need your help. Like, a lot. Pretty please. There will be socializing and FREE PIZZA AND SODA beforehand (it's in caps so as to entice you). Please try to bring your own stapler, but if you don't have one, we will have a few extras.
Tuesday, Oct. 11th @ 8PM "CampOUT" in Women's Building, Suite 300
Come eat S'mores, share coming out stories around the campfire (well, actually the, uh, votive candle), or just sit back and listen. Allies are especially encouraged to come. It's sure to be a grand time! Really!
Wednesday, Oct. 12th @ 6PM "Panel Discussion at SLU" in room 254 of the SLU Busch Student Center
Our friends at SLU's Rainbow Alliance are hosting a panel discussion about GLBT issues on their campus. Panel members include various members from the St. Louis GLBTQA community and a wide range of topics will be covered that directly pertain to the St. Louis GLBTQA community.
Friday, Oct. 14th @ 8PM "Outing to St. Louis City Museum" at the clock tower on the South 40
Come explore this amazing St. Louis asset with us for half the price (tickets will be only $5)! PLEASE RSVP IF YOU WANT TO COME. We won't be gone for the whole evening (probably until 10:30 or 11PM), so all of you party animals can still go out. Visit http://www.citymuseum.org/ for more information and pictures of this enormous playground for adults.
Sunday, Oct. 16th @ 5:30PM "Showing of The Laramie Project " in Friedman Lounge (Wohl Center on the S40)
Remember Mathew Shepherd on the anniversary of his death at a showing of this powerful film about the reaction of Laramie, Wyoming to his brutal murder.
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